Pakistani Passports / New Friends
The Pakistani passport application form contains the following:
Declaration in case of Muslims
I, ____________________ s/o ______________________ Age ______________ Years, adult Muslim, Resident of ____________________________________
hereby solemnly declare that:
(1) I am Muslim and believe in the absolute and unqualified finality of the prophethood of Muhammad (peace be upon him) the last of the prophets.
(2) I do not recognize any person who claims to be a prophet in any sense of the word or any description whatsoever after Muhammad (peace be upon him) or recognize such claimant as prophet or religious reformer as a Muslim.
(3) I consider Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Quadiani to be an impostor Nabi and also consider his followers whether belonging to the Lahori or Quadiani group to be Non-Muslim.
Ya Allah! Thank goodness this is secular India, even if the secularism is being reduced to a mask. Notice the s/o but no d/o. Observe the fact that no religious reformer is ever going to have a chance to change the system cos he or she will immediately be branded kafir.
God Bless Pakistan.
I have been making lots of small mistakes at work recently – like sending off an important mail and forgetting the attachment.
I know why. It’s so boring that my mind is constantly keeping itself occupied by thinking of other things – books, people, films, what have you…everything but the task at hand. I haven’t used my brain at work for months now. The docu shoot should start in March so things will pick up then. But this waiting around for funders to respond is killing.
Need to talk to boss woman about this. Hopefully we can work something out or else I will go mad.
The winter seems to be bringing with it new friends.
The Englishman has been messaging me throughout the week after we met up during the weekend. He’s 35 and has a great Irish accent since he grew up there. Even regular things that he says sound humorous cos of the rhythm of his accent. I quite like him. “My last girlfriend, she left me, cos she said I was too nice.” :) Wish text could convey the accent when he said that!
Then there’s this young girl, a neighbour at my in-laws. Bumped into her at the Pujas and we chatted for a while. She seems to have developed some sort of an infatuation – she sends me these cutesy pie messages - the ones with graphics made of punctuation, and then one really long one about how she was thinking of me and loved chatting to me that day etc. Hmmm. Not too sure how to handle this one. She is South Indian, 5’9”, slim figure, with sharp features. I told her she should think of modelling and she groaned because apparently everyone says that!
Then there’s G, 22, F’s friend who he brought along to Shimla. Really like her. She’s extremely quiet, but once she gets talking you realize that she’s intelligent and sensitive. Nice person. Plan to meet up with her this Saturday.
For some days now, I have wanted to give someone (in the most ambiguous meaning of ‘someone’) a red rose. Go figure.
with this post i'm not entirely sure if the person i know as "you" is male/female! ;o)
just kiddin.... wonderful that u finally have ur own blog!!!
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