SMS / The Calling Card
Had a great SMS conversation with my Mom today. As you can see, she has very fixed views on what things should be called!
Mom, think I forgot the bill on the rectangle table. Pls find it and keep safe.
It’s the glass table not rectangular
It is also a rectangle and its my prerogative which adjective I choose to use! :)
Don’t you know its the glass table? Nothing to do with prerog
So did you find it on the GLASS table?
Yes. Now on ROUND table. Mx (This is how my mom always signs off letters – an M for ‘Mom’ and an ‘x’ for a kiss)
You mean the PLASTIC one? ;)
XYZ!!! (First three letters of my name)
I love you!
Maybe I shouldn’t have given her that phone for her birthday!
Let the cat out yesterday after ten days cos he had hurt his paw. Finally healed and he was desperate to go out. Didn’t return all night. At ten in the morning, I hear him meowling, and by the time I figure out it’s actually him and not a dream and find my slippers etc. he had left. But at the doorstep is a half-chewed lizard without a tail – a gift. Or a calling card perhaps!
Found him when I came home tonight on the steps of the gym opposite our house. Must have been burning off those extra lizard calories!
Was it still alive...?
cats!! :)-
kraz: no thank god cos there was no knight with shining torch around!
cllaassshhh: phew! too exhausted after geting the number of l's, a's, s's and h's right to respond...
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