Feudal Pakistan
I do not like Pakistanis. No, let me change that. I do not like upper-class Pakistanis.
They have this certain feudal demeanour – as though everyone around them is just there to serve them.
It comes across in very direct ways – for example, the way they deal with servants; and in subtle ways as well, for example, just in the way they ask to borrow a pen. Not as a favour, but as if it is their right to demand your pen.
They seem to think that by screaming and throwing their weight around they can sidestep regulations and procedures and get their way. And the sad part is, that in third world countries like mine, they generally do.
So much for their liberal American educations.
Also, two of the three manic depressives I know are Pakistani. I think it’s because they keep marrying their sisters and brothers.
I’m sorry if I sound terribly prejudiced, but these are observed facts.
Yesterday when I told boss woman I had seen ‘Bride and Prejudice’ and liked it but didn’t think it was ground-breaking etc., she hemmed and hawed and said she would discuss it with me tomorrow. I was really looking forward to a stimulating, mind-opening discussion today but all she could give me was “The film achieved what the director set out to do. There’s not much more that a film can do.” Disappointing.
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