Thursday, January 06, 2005

Resolutions / Love Song

Okay, guess it has to be done, so this year’s “New Year Resolutions”!! Ta dah!

1. Give the cat a better life.

This basically means ignoring and not giving into B’s paranoias. The first that he (the cat) should not be let out cos he will be run over, beaten up by other cats, cut his eye on barbed wire etc. This staying in all the time has made him quite a neurotic little cat so 1st Jan onwards I have let him out amidst shouting and screaming from B. I am happy to report that he has behaved very well and has returned in one piece after a couple of hours on his own. Though he did get us a little dead mousie present yesterday…

The second that I should not clear his (again the cat’s) litter because his doctor uncle told him that the faeces has some germs which get into a woman’s blood stream and then her children are born deformed or some such crap. And of course he gets busy and/or lazy and the litter is not cleaned regularly. So amidst some mild admonitions that he would get around to it soon I have been cleaning it everyday and the cat has been sparing the clean laundry.

2. Not nag B or try to change him.

If things are not the way they should be I shall simply exercise my option to walk right out.

3. Not be hard on myself.

4. Not be hard on myself.

5. Not be hard on myself.

Yesterday B sung this song to me when I asked him what he’d done with my pen (to the tune of ‘Everything I do…’:

Look into your ass
And you will see
The pen, you gave to me

Search your ass
Search the hole
(forget these lines, as if it matters!)

Don’t tell me it’s not the same pen
Don’t tell me again and again
You know it’s true
The pen you gave to me
I gave it back to you

Quite crude yes, but I couldn’t stop laffing!


At 7:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Quite a jumble of A's,B's,C's,P's and Q's we are having.Wonder if i could take credit for it...lolz...Somehow whenever i come here i am struck by the neatness of this blog as compared to the mess in mine(and others!).
Mandrake Das.

At 7:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes yes, give the cat a better life.


At 9:00 PM, Blogger Kraz Arkin said...

Thats a useful song, considering the number of people who ask me for pens I have lost.

At 2:31 AM, Blogger cactusjump said...

Mandrake: hmmm – ur the second person to say that this blog is neat. It’s just the template you know, I haven’t done nothing. Yeah I know the initials are confusing but what to do – I guess I’m the hypocritical blogger – wanting to be read yet wanting anonymity of sorts…

Anita: am sure trying! Already had a run-in with the ppl living below us though, the cat almost entered their flat and the woman threw a screaming fit…

Kraz: :p

Succubus: hey I love dogs too – I saw this really sweet one outside a movie hall last week and really wanted to take it home but B was dissuaded me. Maybe I shud go and pick her up anyway cos he dissuaded me when I got the cat home too and now loves him more than I do perhaps.

At 12:27 AM, Blogger Rohini Mohan said...

:) Ohhh... how powerful that song is! I used it on a colleague and in 10 minutes, i find 4 pens at my desk!
ohhh may the gods shower pens on your husband and your ass. :D


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