Tuesday, December 14, 2004

The Wondrous Moonwalking Cat / Holiday Plans

The cat has learnt to moonwalk!

I swear it’s true. He puts both his front paws on a CD and then moves his hind legs to slide backward across the room in one smooth motion! Only thing is when B and I attempt to give him background music by singing ‘Beat it!’ he stops cold in his tracks and stares at us as if to say, ‘Silly humans!’

His other feats include peeing into the toilet pot (which he achieves perfectly without a drop on the seat) and opening doors (which he achieves by jumping on to and hanging on to the door handle till the latch gives way).

Very accomplished, this cat of mine!

I read recently that in the EU pets now require passports to travel. How cute is that! Imagine my baby’s passport – Mr. T____ Cat (yes, that’s his full name) with an expressionless passport photo alongside! Mwuah!

It is getting much too cold. Can’t bear the toilet seat in the mornings. (Note to self: Put cat to work, get him to warm seat.)

On top of which my stupid friends want to go to McLeod Gunj for Christmas. I keep telling them it will be freezing and their toes will turn black but they seem determined. Must think of some warmer alternatives and innovative ways to convince them.

J is carting his bike to Goa and then he and a friend are biking down to Kerala. Not fair! I threw a big fit when he told me but he refuses to take me cos he says women are a liability on a bike trip. Bah. But then he followed it up with how dangerous it could be and how he would never take anyone he cared about on one. Well…

The Englishman is having another terrace party, think I’ll go this time. It’s so cute how his invites always say bring your own mug/glass cos he’s against plastic!


At 1:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i love your cat :) smart kid i must say. wonder how i never bumped into your page before.


At 3:49 AM, Blogger Kraz Arkin said...

McLeod Gunj is nice despite the cold. Tell him to drop in at Yol, an old POW Camp (WW II) now an army cantt. Dharamshala has a nice Indian Coffee House as well and the Chinmayanda ashram is not to be missed.

At 10:52 PM, Blogger ubergeek said...

Why in the world would somebdy want 2 drive AWAY from Goa is beyond me ;-) But a holiday anywhere sounds mighty good 2 me right now - i don't give a damn whether it is freezing or sunny! It just has to be somewhere far away from my classes and somewhere where all i have to do is loll in a chair all day and read. Good luck on finding a sunny spot 4 ur hols! If u r content to just look at a spectacular view let me suggest murudeswar (that is between mangalore and goa).

At 7:53 AM, Blogger cactusjump said...

Hi Pompy!

succubus: She/he gives you high fives?? Wowee! Check ur mail soon for part 2 of our road trip ;)

kraz: It’s me who’s going to be going to McLeod not him. Have been there twice before and my highlights were somewhat different to urs – the amazing bakery at the Dalai Lama’s monastery, the pond some way up with the beautiful red fish, the dirty waterfall at Bhagsu, the amazing green walks, chilling out at that restaurant near the bus stop – forget what it’s called, freshly baked Tibetan bread, BANANA PANCAKES!!, the lovely prayer flags blowing in the wind, a glimpse of the Dalai lama as he passes thru in his car…k nuff!! I think I do want to go there now!!

uber: Arre baba I’m in Delhi na. And since I’ve left it so late I can’t get any train tickets and I can’t afford to fly and so stop rubbing it in that they are sunny spots near Goa etc.

succubus again: no money, no fly.

At 8:06 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I LOVE your cat! Pease to give details... colour, character, attitude and all.

And the road trip sounds great fun.

Boo to your friend J!


At 12:08 AM, Blogger Corny name said...

your cat is better housebroken than I am...

I shall never be Housebroken .. NEVER!@!>>.

I am Man.. here Me roar...

Pee into the WIND!@!


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