Another Day in the Life
Got into a strange funk today.
Was supposed to go in the morning to meet the Vendor Manager guy but then S phoned to say he was busy in a meeting and that I should go around 3.30. Told him I’d call at 3 to confirm that I was coming in case I got stuck.
Reached work and then got thinking – what if boss woman really freaks out, what if I tell her I only want to work part-time at half the salary and then get obligated to take on the ex-office work, what if the ex-office work gets too much and then I can’t quit because I’m only on half salary. B said do the first project simultaneously, going to work regular hours without telling boss woman but that would be working nights and a huge strain.
This then progressed on to the usual what am I doing with my life? And the existential – Why am I here? What is the point of it all?
Played Solitaire and Text Twist for an hour.
Then N called, I told her I’d drop by her workstation when I came and since I hadn’t she wanted to know what was up. Told her about the dilemma. She suggested I do voluntary unpaid social work to fill the time.
Then just decided to go for it.
Called S. He wasn’t in the office, told me to call the Vendor Manager dude directly. Spoke with him on the phone and he turned out to be a real nice guy. Explained the contract to me. It’s basically just an umbrella sort of thing and the real contracts with the terms of delivery and payment are the SOWs which I would have to sign for each project that I do with them. He said that it didn’t matter if I signed this contract and then decided to do no work with the ex-office at all if it clashed with my present work.
Decided to go over and meet him and look over the contract. It seemed harmless so signed it. Then called S to ask if he was back in the office and could I meet him to discuss the project he wanted to offer me. He suggested I come tomorrow at 11 am for a team meeting so that I’d be in the loop and that we could discuss terms later. Plus he said that I wouldn’t be the only person on it now, there would be one other person and that the deadline has shifted to 22 Nov. Which actually works out better for me cos boss woman isn’t back till the 22nd. So maybe I can give this project a shot and see how it works out without letting her know as yet. Was planning to take Thursday and Friday off anyhow on account of Diwali.
Will just take it as it comes without getting paranoid with the what-ifs. Things have a way of working out, right?
R, very very big boss and a nice person came by as I was talking to the Vendor Management guy and did the cheek pulling thing! She is probably the reason I got that job without having any techie background. Had my interview with her and I remember discussing ‘Taxi Driver’ and how she told me that my personality test showed that I am an introvert but that that is not a bad thing.
Also saw M, super big shot on the Board of Directors who I had had my second interview with. Don’t like him at all. I had my Mom’s address down in the application form for ‘Permanent Address’ and he said that since I was married I should have put down my in-laws address instead - ?? ?? ?? Weird man.
"wierd" man? more like chauvinistic idiot.
i saw your comment on my blog. you say your husband did the osibisa dance? :) i KNEW it! i KNEW they injected people with energy...
keep dropping by my blog. i will do the same.
definitely will ma'am! and yes, not only is he chauvinistic, but also mean - the kind of person who smiles at someone and then the smile immediately disappears when he turns away - eeeewwwww!
the reason ur unhappy is that u do not like seeing people happy...i think ur brain sucks.. there is a sarcasm in the way u put things...give names to ur character than alpabetic symbols., actually u came to my blog and left one good and one bad comment according to my standards but then ther was such a lot of gap between those two verticals, i guess that speaks much of u, to conclude i respect ur right to speak out, but be more realistic for a 27 yr old
Hmm things have been stirring up I see. Resisting the urge to jump into the fracas, all I wanna say is keep writing, its ur blog, its ur life. Will be back. :)
Hey anon,
It's funny that you should say that cos just now, on my way to work, I saw at the back of an auto - 'Aadmi apne dukh se dukhi nahin hai, doosron ke sukh se dukhi hai'. And yes, of course it is true that a lot of my unhappiness stems from seeing other people happy. But I am working on this and it's getting better.
About using alphabets instead of real names, I really don't see how that should matter, it is the situations that count not whether it happened to Sita or Gita. And coming from someone who comments as Anon, well...
About my comments on your blog, since I don't know who you are I can't say for certain, but I don't remember putting down anything offensive on anyone's blog, so you've probably just misunderstood my comment.
About my posts being sarcastic etc., I'm just being honest and writing what I feel. But if you don't like what you see here, get the funk out.
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