Friday, November 05, 2004


Okay, I have to write about this, even if it does choke me up.

Mom called me the other day, on Wednesday, to be exact in the afternoon while I was at work. She has been doing this thing lately, whenever I go over she tells me how my horoscope says that I’m going through a bad time but that it will soon tide over. She seems to think I’m unhappy right now. Well, I always am unhappy about something or the other, but much less now than then. Anyhow, she called, really excited just to tell me that the stars for me today were really good – something about Saturn and the moon being in congruence, she read the whole thing out, in this lovely, happy voice!

Now, I don’t care about horoscopes – I do read them, but if you were to ask me what it said just after I read it, I wouldn’t have a clue. I read it in a totally non-thinking fashion, just enjoy looking for the lil picture denoting my zodiac sign amongst all the others.

But I was really touched by her phone call, I had to control the tremor in my voice when I answered her.

Yes, there were things she did wrong, and it’s hard for me to forget since the results were so obvious. But I’ll just have to give up the bitterness.

I only have one mommy after all.

Another thing happened on Wednesday that was wonderful and unexpected and for which I am grateful.

Before we were married, my husband and I agreed that we would not live with his parents. Besides the feminist side of me which thinks that women should not have to live with their in-laws on principle, I know that with our differing backgrounds and my extreme need for privacy, it would just never work. However, every four to six months would crop up this conversation in the in-law family about how it would be so much more economical / sensible if we were to stay together. There would be this huge pressure camp against me – his father, his mother, his sister, and I am sad to say, him as well, despite all the promises.

It came up again a few weeks ago and unable to deal with the pressure and more importantly, not too sure which way this relationship was headed anyway, I just listened and nodded and did not express an opinion.

But on Wednesday, he said he had something to say to me. He had a well thought out, sensible plan to buy his parents a place and later, when they were much older and unable to take care of themselves, a bigger place where we would stay with them but have our own space as well. His investment plans made sense for a change.

I really couldn’t believe it – the understanding and the maturity! Is he finally growing up??


At 12:25 AM, Blogger Kraz Arkin said...

Good things will happen. Does that sound astrological? :)

At 11:06 PM, Blogger cactusjump said...

Hey - thanks! That's sweet.

At 12:16 PM, Blogger ubergeek said...

Hey I'm sorry. I replied to ur comment before coming over here. So please ignore that unintended jab.

And chin up ! Things almost always get better when you try to do something about it cheerfully. The key ting is to keep going and not let urself be bogged down by whatever happens. Usual motherhood statements, i know. But i don't hv any pearls of wisdom of my own.

ubergeek, the


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