Figaro! / Self Flagellation / Child Speak
I just don't get opera.
Self Flagellation
So this guy who called in the 0ther day - his girlfriend of four years left him a year ago - he writes her an email, then goes to her inbox (unknown to her, he knows her password) and deletes it.
The things we do to ourselves.
Child Speak
Poem by six-year-old niece, posted by proud aunt!
You can see by stripes
You can make even ballet
Friendship can teach you not only the schools
Helping friendship, making ballet, is very good
When you think you are going to not do these things
It will only happen if you believe
It can be by friendship, even by you
You are my best friend
You are my best friend
You can be friends with even by bad people
You have to teach them to do that and this
Then they will learn that thing
You are my best friend !
Love the poem - one of the few that ever made sense to me. And Figaro - wasnt that the opening music for the Stallone comedy flick Oscar? You mean it is Opera? LOL.
You Don't get Opera??>..
Whats not to Get...
Think abotu it... its more than just Music..
in fact.. its not really music at all..
Smart Kid....
Okay, I really want to say something intelligent but I've never been to an opera, can't think of anythin to say abt the guy and I really really don't understand that peom( I never thot I'd have to say HVOHT for a six year old's poem!!)
So will 'Hey, new post up!!' do??
Kraz: come see me in Delhi – it’s a lovely city – honest!
Succubus: oye – poopetry zindabad!
Diablo: maybe I need to go to a lot more to appreciate it – kinda liked the women singing but the men just seemed silly…and the whole thing got really boring after about 4 mins – plus they’re always in Italian or French – why don’t they have English operas?? Maybe you could write and star in one?? There is one opera teacher in Delhi - r there any where u r?
Aish: Any comment be much welcome! Btw, wot’s ‘HVOHT’??
self flagellation: cheating ourselves possible? OMG.. I didn't know so far..
Man with no Name
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