Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Masti ka time over kya?

Why does my mind keep flitting today?

I have been very aware of it doing so - there's this sort of puzzlement - hmm err - what next?

Bathed and went to the bank, got out money and knew I had to do some boring house shopping - detergent powder and soap.

Saw an auto and caught it, thinking I'd take it to the chemist near my home where I could make these purchases. Got off mid-way, went to a cyber-cafe, put up a post on this blog, read some others, wrote a mail.

What next? I decided that I must make my mind focus. There were small things I needed to do today - one errand to run for B in Sarvpriya Vihar, two phone calls to make on his behalf to clients - chasing payments. Tried to make a plan, decided to make a plan and stick to it but my mind wouldn't let me.

Went to the chemist, bought the stuff and am now back home, writing this crap.

What is wrong with me?

Maybe it's time now to think of working again, in earnest. Too much fun and masti?

Actually come to think of it, I'm not unhappy right now. I could stay home, the whole evening, alone, quite peacefully. But something's nagging me - telling me to get a sense of direction.


I do wish someone would call.


At 4:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah, I spent all day wanting to 'connect' with someone, wish I had your number. :)

At 9:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gimme your number and I will call. :)


At 2:02 AM, Blogger cactusjump said...

thanx babes!

At 11:24 AM, Blogger yesbob said...

you need to excercize your 'won
't power ' ....


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