Saturday, February 12, 2005

Schizophrenia / "Friends"

It’s a strange paradox that I have been going through the last few weeks.

Fluctuating between feeling lonely and wanting to be left alone. And one of the feelings is not the tone for the day, it keeps changing throughout the day, every few hours, throwing me off my feet.

I know I have worked very hard at being okay with being alone. To be alright being by myself, to not get depressed. And I can’t understand why my mind is behaving this way.

For example, last night when the Ducati Dreamer (‘J’ of posts previous) invited himself over to watch Pulp Fiction I was glad of the company since I had not been looking forward to spending the evening alone. But then when he came, I found myself wishing he wasn’t here so that I could bathe, read, write, do my own thing.

I’ve been going out alone a lot recently – bought a bunch of tickets for the film festival – and every time I have to go to see one of them, alone again, this horrible wave of sadness comes over me, but once I’m in the hall I’m absolutely fine and am glad that I don’t have to chat with anyone.

Went to see Meenaxi alone this morning, feeling kinda sorry for myself, when I got a message from the Englishman inviting me to have a drink this evening. And instead of feeling glad that someone was thinking of me, I found myself thinking of ways to get out of it.

Then when I came online and saw no replies to my emails and no-one online on messenger I felt extremely low.

I don’t get me.

Is this a good thing, finding my mind interesting enough such that I don’t need company? I’m scared that it’s terribly unhealthy.

Is this the path to becoming a recluse? (Or a schizophrenic?)

And this brings me to something else that's been on my mind for a few weeks...What is friendship anyway? It seems to me that there is always someone in my life that I most like being with, and then we grow apart or there is a misunderstanding, and I replace that person with someone else. And so it goes on. It seems horrible to me and not the way it should be.

Any clarity on the two issues in this post will be much appreciated.


At 4:11 AM, Blogger Corny name said...

Clarity... Clarity..
elusive lil' bugger..

Well.. unfortunatly I'll have to get down to cliches here..
- I know how you feel-
- It'll pass, it's just a phase-

And other similar hackneyed crap.

honestly... i don't know.. it just happens. Maybe your not happy with the people you have around you. Maybe you dreamed you would be at a different place in life right now.
Maybe you believed you would be with a certain type of people, who would make you feel a certain way..
I don't know...

Maybe your just not too happy with the way things are.

- Let it be, like everything else it'll pass, and you'll forget it..... for a while -

At 4:50 AM, Blogger cactusjump said...

You're amazingly perceptive. Everything you said is true to a certain degree. Thank you.

At 6:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

U're frigtening me.. Will I turn out into a schezophrenic? Well, if U reach there before me, do atleast put on an act when I reach there, so that I dont need to feel alone there too.. but I think I know what drives it.. we are not with whom we want to be with.. its always the wrong ppl at the wrong place..

Man with no Name

At 12:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Its been a while since we talked, but I visit regularly.

At 7:59 AM, Blogger Kraz Arkin said...

I replied. Mail check. Let's Talk.

At 9:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe you're not too happy with yourself just now. I know that's the case when I feel that way.


At 1:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Real friends last. They really do :)

Others, (mostly opposite-sex lot) who tend to demand a lot and are never happy with what they get, they get lost in the sea of time.

Ah why am I talking intelligent. Its not exactly my forte :)

At 5:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe there are a few things you actually like doing alone, but are not very sure...Never mind! I don't know wat I'm talking!!

At 6:06 AM, Blogger Corny name said...

where are you?
You ok?


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