Domestic Mayhem / Collective Soul
Crazy morning. No water for the *third* day running. B got into a fit and insisted that he was going to have a bath. We *didn’t realize* that the water was just about to run out. But for some reason the hot water was running cold – must be the geyser, we thought. So he took the cold water and heated it on the stove. And then of course the cold water ran out and he had half a bucket of too hot water to bathe in. I was sent with a pan, dashing around to all the taps to collect trickles…
On top of this the cat was meowling cos the cat food had finished and we have been to disorganized to realize it, though even if we did I don’t know how we would have bought it, I have exactly Rs. 43 in the bank and B’s money situation is in the negative, he still owes people money. Anyhow, luckily there was some frozen keema in the fridge but since I faint at the sight of raw meat he had to fix it for the cat in the midst of the water drama…
Coming to work, the autowallah had the radio on a program of old Hindi cabaret songs – Leila oh Leila, and the one that goes ‘Bang bang’ – good fun!
And for some reason I remembered this comic strip in one of those Zen stories in comic form books. This guy is hanging on to a cliff face – at the bottom of the cliff is rushing water, and at the top is a lion trying to get at him. He suddenly spies a strawberry growing near where he’s hanging on, plucks it, pops it into his mouth and goes ‘yumm!’
Put me in a very upbeat mood!
Yesterday evening was watching ‘Godfather III’ with B. He had stayed home the *whole day* and had watched parts I and II and had now reached III. When suddenly I got this lovely fragrant smell – of flowers. He said he couldn’t smell it. The smell brought with it a warm feeling – like someone was thinking of me. Can’t explain it. It was nice and today I am wearing a perfume that I normally can’t stand cos it is very sweet and smells of roses, but it reminds me of that mysterious fragrance.
There have been two instances before, that I can recall when something similar has happened. One was a few weeks ago when I was in the middle of all the confusion, I was just drifting off to sleep and was going to send up a prayer (yes I do that sometimes), something in the tune of ‘Help me to be on the right path’, but then when I started, the prayer went ‘Please take care of X and watch over him’. It took me completely by surprise cos I hadn’t been thinking of X *at all*. Dunno how that happened – maybe deep down I knew that he was more in need of help than me. Or maybe it has something to do with Gaia. The collective soul. Maybe when you’re close to people there’s some sort of spiritual network formed such that one soul speaks for another. I wonder if he felt it.
The second was many, many years ago. Again I was just drifting to sleep, I was lying on my stomach when I felt this warmth totally embrace me. But it wasn’t intangible it was very real, very physical. I immediately became wide awake and couldn’t understand it. Again, I think someone was watching over me.
About the roses fragrance – could it be my grandmother? I can’t think of anyone else who would choose to smell of roses!
This may seem silly and if anyone reads this they’re probably going to think I’m off my rocker but it’s all true.
might sound weird to you , but i hear music when i am really sad and when things really going wrong for me ... i actually feel arush of energy as if someone send a prayer for me .. maybe your grandfathers already looking out foryo uso have faith and its nice we al have ups and downs but you have to take it boss comes withthe territory of being an adult
Am glad you wrote this. I had the most beautiful experience last Friday. And if you haven't experienced something similar you might think that the person telling you this has gone nuts, but I glad you told us. So I can tell you. :) -- Ph
nakshatra: thanks for the advice ;)
ph: dying to hear your experience
Just popped in from Bhavs blog..
hehehehe... sooner or later we all end up playing to the gallery. The urge is just to strong to resist.
Don't worry about it, thats part of the fun of blogging (most of it actually)
No one.. even the purists(yeh, blogpurists exist) can't resist..
It will Draw you to it... MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAHH!! (Evil Laugh)
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