Husband B has just set up my computer. About time, it’s been nine months since we moved to this place! This means that I can write my blog here at home and then put it online when I reach work..
Have been invited to a terrace party by the English chappie on the 16th. Not sure if I’ll go. The dinner I went to at his place a few months ago was strange – interesting but strange. There definitely is a nationality disconnect! And of course I don’t know any of his friends. Except for Jo – wish I knew her enough to just hang out with her. I really like her. She’s 40 and the only person I know who is completely happy just being herself and doesn’t need anyone to validate her. She’s so full of life and cheerful all the time. In fact, her energy and enthusiasm make me feel old! I remember how she was running up and down the mountain trails in Shimla while L and I struggled behind panting. Very sad – need to build strength and endurance, got to join the dance class again.
Met N from my ex-office last evening after work. It was strange, we usually have such a good time catching up. But not so yesterday, maybe we’re both just too bored. Hope next time is better cos she is the nicest person I know. Amazing how she would look out for people in the team without them even knowing. Most people would take the credit and brag about how they got someone more interesting work or a promotion. But she just does it in her quiet, unassuming way. I wish she was more assertive, she deserves much better in that organization.
Have had quite a nice evening. B picked me up from work, I drove – quite well I may add! I think this is the first time in…feels like two years that he has had the evening free to spend with me. Went and had golguppas and then just talked and played with the cat. Am listening to Portishead – it’s beautiful. I always thought they were something like Prodigy – loud and in-your-face. But their music is really quite lovely – the woman is an amazing vocalist. Wonder when I’ll have the money to get the music system for my car. Am majorly in debt. Hope he gets work soon and pays me back!
The driving has been going quite badly – will not make my goal of going for my test on the 11th. Don’t know what happened just suddenly lost my confidence and didn’t feel like practicing anymore. Doesn’t help that B shouts at me all the time, or that Mom specially called to tell me that I shouldn’t practice in the new car cos I’m really bad! Shove it, I know I can do it – have to shut them out and just continue. Need a new goal date. Will make a point of driving for the next few days and then set it cos I want it to be realistic.
Moving the office tomorrow. Packed up everything today and arranged for the tempo for tomorrow. Will really need to learn to drive cos the new place is pretty far. Sigh – this was such a great location, right in the middle of things.
Saw ‘Yuva’ yesterday. B said I should since it has three characters – like my story idea. Loved the camera work – some guy called K Ravi Chandran. Also has a great fight sequence in the middle of heavy traffic on Howrah bridge.
‘Bride and Prejudice’ opens on Oct 8 – am dying to see after all I’ve read about it. Wonder how Aishwarya Rai will be! Seems like a strange casting choice but she (Gurinder Chadha) may have been pressurized by the producers. Except that she is also casting her in her next film – hmmm. Have been reading quite a few interviews of GC in the press recently – she is really interesting and has very different things to say. Wish I could work with her.
Boss woman, I have decided is not a great talent, but has the intelligence to make a narrative work. Plus she uses her education in Political Science for great story ideas. But, she and her husband have absolutely no sense of humour. Usually when I crack a joke I have to explain it to them, so I generally refrain.
I do miss being part of an office set-up – the chai and sutta breaks, the grape vine…it’s tough being the only employee when both of them are so dull.
In fact there is something very strange about boss woman, can’t place my finger on it. Consider this – she has been in Delhi for five years now and despite being a film maker who should be interested in people and situations, she has hardly made any attempt to know the city, she doesn’t show any interest at all. Apart from complaining about the bureaucracy, the servants etc. Her husband, S, can hardly even speak Hindi – after five years!
And there is a strange sense of distance with her. She hardly has made any friends here. Even though I’ve been working with her for a year, I feel absolutely no bond. Unlike my other bosses with whom I always shared a deep bond and continue to call on the phone.
Heck she doesn’t even seem to have much of a bond with her own daughter – it’s sort of put on, can’t explain it.
Winter is coming – can smell it in the evenings, legs are getting dry and scaly and did not have the AC on last night. Thank God.
Thanks to global warming the winters in Delhi now only last from about Nov to Jan.
Am reading ‘The Hours’. Have read ‘Mrs. Dalloway’ already and will read the screenplay of ‘The Hours’ when I finish the novel. Gawd I loved Nicole Kidman in that film. She’s such a fucking versatile actor. And of course Julianne Moore – loved that scene in the kitchen – minimal dialogue, but you know exactly what her state of mind is from her and her son’s body language and interactions with her husband and son – fucking brilliant film. Made Mom see it and she said ‘What rubbish – they’re all lesbians that’s all!’ Oh well!
Gawrsh – could go on writing but then I won’t have anything left for my other entries! Must go bathe now and rub lotion into the flaking calves!