Kerala Bliss
Too content to write ... :)
Figuring It Out
Now I am genuinely excited about going to Goa – not just something I’m saying to convince myself! Even if the aunt and the cousin and the cousin’s boyfriend will be there – so will be the BEACH, the SAND, the SEA, the lil shacks, the beer and the port wine!
I don’t want to go to Goa!!! Please someone save me.
I got my hair dyed blue. It turned out to be a rather witchy dark blue and I was really upset. But on coming home and checking it out I’ve decided I rather like it. It’s subtle – a metallic blue black. Plus I had her colour the inside of the hair and just two streaks so I think it should be fine even in the daylight.
Went to my bank this evening – the snazzy MNC.
Did want my Mom always made me do when I was in a foul mood – cleaned my cupboard. Put all the winter clothes away. Feeling better for it.
- The Jokester hasn’t returned my call. I guess he’s finally had enough of me.
Wan day ther wos a ant. His gardn wos fild with flawas. He loves his gardn. So evree day he yoostoo .go aoot. but wan day wen he went auot he so that ther wore no flawares.he was sad so he went for a trale. For faeending his flavrs.
- I have the worst cramps ever. Damn Eve for biting into the darn apple.
- It’s blazing hot. The title of this blog has to go.
- Turning blog friendships into real friendships is complicated work.
- Had to get DD’s made – only from the State Bank of India for some stupid reason. Walked there with the cramps in the blazing heat. The woman wanted to know what I do and I was in no mood for a chat so gave her a vague answer which led to more questions and vaguer answers. She concluded that what I do is illegal. Can’t understand why. Maybe she thought I make porn films. What is it with me and Punjabi women bank officers?
- Why Million Dollar Baby? Why why why why why why why?
The Ducati Dreamer said that this piece was proof that I have no talent – but what the heck, it was written with little thought and I enjoyed writing it!
Came across these bits of Sufi poetry today…they’re so beautiful, they make me feel like dying…have to share:
A Auntie arrived last night.