Gawrsh - so many people worried about me! I been fine beautiful folk - just really busy. Wrote the below post some days ago but wasn't able to post it...
19th Feb 12:13 am
Was planning to temporary suspend this blog this morning, but have now decided to keep it alive for a while.
Am going to meet a blog pal soon. Am surprised at myself for having extended the invite, but somehow just felt that it would be fine. Have already spoken with him twice on the phone, and he sounds even nicer than I had thought.
This is the first time that I will be meeting in person, someone I’ve met on the internet. Should be interesting.
An old blog pal has also suddenly got in touch, expressing a desire to renew our friendship. Since we have a history and he tends to be extremely touchy about remarks made, and very cautious when sharing aspects of his life, am not so sure how it will work out. Hoping it does.
Mom, sister and the niece are staying at our place for the next five days since their house is being painted. Today is the first night that they are staying here and I’m really enjoying it! Niece tends to terrorize the cat though, so need to keep a look out for that.
Husband B too returns tomorrow morning. So missed him this time. Unfortunately he’s only staying for the weekend and I’m going to be editing day and night (in fact I should be going through the darn script right now – bah!) so don’t know how much time we will be able to spend together :(
Have been enjoying interacting with the people in my counseling centre. Somehow, we all seem to be spiritually inclined – so have had conversations regarding astrology, the karma theory, the Bhagvad Gita, Gandhi, Vivekananda, Osho, the Silva method – even had a tarot card reading today!
Was in a moral dilemma yesterday. Told the Ducati Dreamer about it, and the wonderfully logical person that he is, he spelled out three options – the first to just go ahead and not think of morality or the consequences, the second to take a strong stand and nip the thing in the bud and the third if I can’t be strong to simply ignore the situation. Have opted for the third and started the ignoring process. He also insisted that I should phone him if I get confused, before taking any action, no matter what time of day or night it may be and no matter how silly I think I may be. Thank God for oldfriends. He is a dumb ass a lot of the time, but I’m so thankful that he’s helping me through this.
And here is something I’ve wanted to post for a while, again from The Human Face, had lent it to the Jokester and got it back recently:
Our fear of being ‘different’, an outsider to the group, is deep-rooted. For many people the trouble with being a ‘normal’ person, psychologically as well as physically, is that it requires hiding a lot of oneself. Presenting an acceptable persona to the world all the time means that aspects of our inner selves are not to be acknowledged. These aspects of the self, repressed because they do not fit the persona we want to project, are called by Jung the ‘shadow’. They gather strength by not being expressed, and influence our lives from the unconscious. They can poison our psyche and become dangerous.
Relate this with Travis Bickle’s inner dialogue on the right (About Me section) and you’ll understand why he finally goes on a killing spree! The genius of the script writer – was it Paul Schrader? Can’t remember.
1:03 am
Just went through the script, the good girl that I am! And found the following quotes on women (the film is about women’s empowerment) that I quite liked:
- A woman’s place is in the house and the senate.
- Every mother is a working mother.
- Feminism is the radical notion that women are people.
And another, unrelated to women:
Once I gave up on reality, I had so many more options!